This image, just returned to Earth early this morning, is the newly imaged terrain located in a wide vertical strip near the limb of the planet (on the left side of Mercury’s partially sunlit disk). Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie
Institution of Washington.
A NASA spacecraft that completed its third and final flyby of the planet Mercury yesterday, snapping new pictures of the innermost planet, had a small data hiccup that has delayed release of the images, mission engineers said today. Andrea Thompson.
A Small Data Hiccup! Seriously? S e r i o u s l y!
They should call me. They never do and they just should. I could tell them she goes direct today. Although masculine, I believe all planets, like cars are 'hers' and not hims.
Feels like an incredible mammoth sweep of sighs. That feel of Fall yesterday was unmistakable and now this morning as I came popping out of my bedroom to an abrupt halt in the's cold. I dislike being the messenger to be shot (upon sight) but.........A large area of numbingly cold temperatures will predominate from roughly east of the Continental Divide to west of the Appalachians. 2010 Farmer's Almanac. Like an ice cream sandwich.
Tomorrow is October and I'm on a roll. Since I'm already in trouble (most usually).....oh I just can't. Somebody else say it first........................hurry, I have stuff to tell.
Have you been to Lowe's?