Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's your move.


  1. OMG, Verily, we have the SAME chess board! Well, it's my landlords, but that's kind of trippy! I always start by moving my knight.

  2. Nice ...

    Thanks for the visit AND I totally agree .. this a chick flick waiting to be made and definitely a beach book needing to be written.

  3. It's beautiful isn't it? Mr. Frank's birthday present. I LOVE to play but I stink at it. Yes Rain darling.....very trippy indeed. (twlight zone music)

  4. Oh I stink too, lol. I don't have any strategy, I just move all my knights first, then the pawns then my Queen usually gets picked off and I'm done, ha ha!

  5. My dad taught me how to play chess when I was a little girl. I used to be pretty good at it. I have never known the language of chess: Knight 3 to your mom's aunt. You know, that kind of thing.

    The chess board is to be coveted. It is awesome. We bought Brett a carved marble chess board in Belize, but one of the pieces broke. Dammitol.

  6. I just recently learned about castleing..since my first lesson from 1972. I call them horsey/sliders/victims and I'm the one that does*** why'd ya do that? after a move. I LOVE this game it makes my blood race sometimes. I gasp, I giggle, I screechingly admonish any foul to me and gloat horribly when I have pounced. BUT, I have also*** are you sure you want to do that? Mr. Frank wipes me all over the board but sometimes I get a good shot in. He is a wonderful teacher.


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